EX-TROPICAL CYCLONE KIMI – CUSTOMER UPDATE NO 3 – FINAL UPDATE (as of 10am, Wednesday 20 January 2021)
Sea Swift has provided an update to its vessel schedules as a result of the delayed arrival of the MV Albatross Bay into Cairns due to ex-Tropical Cyclone Kimi.
- Horn Island – As scheduled, no delay
- Thursday Island – As scheduled, no delay
- OTSI Central Island Group – As scheduled, no delay
- Seisia – As scheduled, no delay
- Weipa – Friday PM
- Aurukun – As scheduled, no delay
- Skardon River – As scheduled, no delay
Sea Swift has been able to turn the vessel around in under 24 hours to make sure that the schedule for the Torres Strait Islands and Cape York Peninsula is maintained.
For our East Coast customers, there will be a 24-hour delay, as follows:
- Cape Flattery Silica Mine – Wednesday 20 January 2021
- Lockhart River – Thursday 21 January 2021
A reminder that our Australia Day Public Holiday Schedule will commence 20 January 2021, for freight services commencing 25 January 2021.
Unless ex-TC Kimi reforms, there will be no further notices sent out in relation to this cyclone. All information will be updated on our website.
As always, thank you for your cooperation, patience, and support.
TROPICAL CYCLONE KIMI – CUSTOMER UPDATE NO 2 (as of 2.30pm, Monday 18 January 2021)
The Port of Cairns is now open. At this stage, we plan on a 4pm departure from Cairns on Tuesday 19 January 2021. This will have a slight delay into Horn Island, Thursday Island and Seisia. Impacted by the transshipment services may include the Outer Torres Strait Islands Central Islands, and Weipa.
For our East Coast coastal customers, we will see a 24-hour delay:
1. Fitzroy Island – Tuesday 19 January 2021
2. Cape Flattery Silicone Mine – Wednesday 20 January 2021
3. Lockhart River – Thursday 21 January 2021.
TROPICAL CYCLONE KIMI – CUSTOMER UPDATE NO 1 (as of 9am, Monday 18 January 2021)
Due to the Port of Cairns being closed by the Harbor Master to all vessels, Sea Swift expects delays to our Tuesday departure. At the time of this notice, the Port of Cairns remains closed. Once open, we will be able to advice all customers of the updated schedule.
At this stage, we envisage a delay to the following destinations: Cape Flattery Silica Mine, Lockhart River, Fitzroy Island, Horn Island, Thursday Island, Seisia, Aurukun, Outer Torres Strait Islands Central Group, and Skardon River.