Dear Valued Customers,
We want to provide you with an update on how Sea Swift is preparing for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and the key steps we are taking to minimise any impact to our essential services, and how we are helping to reduce the risk of transmission across our business and the 53 remote coastal and island communities we service each week. Our highest priority remains the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, our customers and the wider communities we serve, and our suppliers and key partners.
Sea Swift continues to receive daily updates from our Occupational Physician, which includes clear guidelines on managing the risk of transmission within our business.
To date, we have:
- established regular internal communications to assess the situation and remain flexible to adjust our plans as required
- implemented self-isolation measures for all employees returning from international leave and the requirement to receive medical clearance before returning to work
- encouraged and supported our employees to stay home should they feel unwell
- elevated the importance of hygiene across the business
- suspended all non-essential business travel
- continued to review our supply chain for critical stocks, spares and consumables
- implemented measures to reduce adverse impacts to frontline employees
- encouraged social distancing at work, and
- discouraged personal travel to medium/high-risk areas.
Over the course of the next few days, we will be implementing:
- where practicable, all customers, suppliers and transport providers to remain in their vehicles when delivering freight to Sea Swift
- temporarily ceasing the requirement to receive a proof of delivery signature (POD), instead our staff signing on behalf of our customer with clear instructions
- external contractors completing a Return to Work Questionnaire prior to commencing work on our sites or vessels.
- practice social distancing when delivering freight to our customers and our remote depot employees
- increased cleaning rotations across all common areas, and
- a review of all passenger services across the business, aligning this with the desire and requirements of the communities we serve.
At this stage, there has been no immediate impact to our essential services. We will continue to monitor the situation carefully and provide further updates should there be a change in our approach.
Together we have a responsibility to protect each other’s welfare, particularly those at a higher risk of infection such as the sick and the elderly, but to also protect the frontline medical staff who are tasked with caring for those in need of assistance.
We will continue to monitor the situation carefully and provide further updates should there be a material change in our approach.
Lino Bruno
Chief Operating Officer
4cRisk COVID-19 update (20 March 2020)
4cRisk COVID-19 Flowchart (15 March 2020)